Sunday 28 September 2008

Entertainment Computing assignment 1

For my second post I have been asked by one of my tutors at University to design and showcase an ordinary household item of my choice that I feel could be improved and also how I feel that it could be. So for my design I decided that it would be a good idea to try and improve the toilet.
I mean when you go to the toilet (especially after a heavy night of drinking) you may be there for a while with only old magazines or newspapers that you’ve already read about a thousand times.... so with this in mind I decided that it would be a good idea to jazz it up a little. After much deliberation I had the idea that instead or reading why not listen? To implement this idea I would give the option of adding a piece of equipment similar to that of a docking station allowing you to connect your i-pod to your toilet in exactly the same way you would any ordinary dock. Not only would it take you mind off things and bring back good memories from the night before whilst allowing you to keep up to date with that latest album :)
Any potential investors out there, don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail
Thanks all. x

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